Sunday, October 20, 2019


October, such a meeting it was.  We were few in number and no one was there to take pictures so you will have to trust me. It was sunny but a bit cool.
 We talked about Judy and the fantastic things she used to bring for lunch on the holidays, especially Halloween.  One year we had our meeting at her house and all brought Halloween themed foods. It was really a lot of fun.
 We had a fantastic lunch this time as well. Jan was not there and we knew she would not be but no one brought a green salad anyway.  It was kind of a carb celebration. Two kinds of mac and cheese. Syd hid sweet potatoes in hers to make it more healthy. Street tacos, quiche and wonderful  dessert, of course breakfast by Lynn, with a lemon celo twist this time.
So much binding going on. Dianne and her winter wonderland piece, Gwen bound a piece for the show. MaryAnn was as well, the challenge piece she was not going to do. Syd finished a least one, maybe two. A jelly roll and a beach blanket. Lynn spent the time putting a new crotch in a meerkat costume.
 We discussed old times, looked at Syd's wedding photos, discussed our own weddings and dresses. Times when we were young and foolish.
We missed everyone there, all of whom were with family on this Sweetest Day. We talked smack about you too. Even if we had to make that stuff up.
 Halloween, a time to look back and a time to look to the future.