Sunday, June 16, 2013

June photos

Kathy sent a great recap and I'm here to add in some photos.  I tried to fill Ruth's documentation shoes, although I missed getting a shot of Fran's project and Kathy's charity quilt made from Dianne's castoffs.  Ruth and Laura were missed but, rest assured, we talked about you.

Gwen had a picnic to go to but she found time to stop by and show us the Wildwood raffle quilt top that she'd put together.  It was no small task, I am sure.  At first, we thought maybe the light shining through would be distracting but everyone agreed that the stained glass look gave the quilt a special look. It is a beauty.

Judy was inspired at our last meeting to make made fabric triangles which she turned into this improve top.  She also found some lovely quilt back fabric in the communal pile.  Way to get in the spirit of things, Judy!

Susie was working on her UFO.  I didn't see the whole pattern but there were some beautiful paper pieced units.

Lynn enjoyed digging through the communal pile too and she was hard at work on her own made fabric units.

Mary Ann has several projects looming over her head and she chose to work on a shop sample.  It used a lovely grouping of batiks and a specialty curved ruler.  I read the pattern maker's blog and I was even more intrigued after hearing Mary Ann's positive review of the pattern and ruler. 

Here's a shot of some of the blocks and the pattern.

Syd was also working on made fabric blocks and it looks like a fast moving 5 year old is about to move in on them. Chalk it up to my bad photography and nonexistent editing.

Ms. D was hard at work on the binding for the blue and white tessellated pinwheel fundraiser quilt.

I didn't do any sewing or cutting but I showed two Wildwood charity quilts that I made with Dianne's castoff 2.5" squares.  Somehow I'd managed to pull red, white and  blue donated fabric and Dianne happened to have a large pile of the same colorway of squares.  I think I started with the skyline fabric that I thought no one would ever rescue from the pile.  Both quilts are pin-basted so they don't hang so well for these pics. 

Lunch was fabulous, as usual.  The meal ended with a presentation of the unexpected and most generous gifts to my family.  My fellow divas didn't need to reward us but it was a lovely surprise.  Brady used his Pez to make it all the way through fireworks at the Indians game later that night.  I will put the fabric to good use and the gift cards will likely finance Sherman's new fence.  Thank you all for the thoughtful surprise.  Until next time ...

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you all got along with out me very well (sniff sniff).
    I wish I had seen all the great show and tell in person or should that be "en fabrique"
