Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Diva's at the Quilt Show

 Sunday was the Wildwood Quilt Guild annual quilt show in Mentor, Ohio. Many of the Basement Divas are members of the guild and there were many quilts there representing the Basement.
Unfortunately I forgot my camera but a friend from my church group had her camera phone and got some shots for me.

This first group of photos is from their very clever challenge. The inspiration for the challenge  piece was  to come from a food package.
I am not sure how many of these were from the Basement divas but I know for sure that the one close up on the lover left was made by Lori. Those little HST's finished  at 3/4 inch. Her package was from Lipton Tea.

There was also a corner with the Diva "Made fabric'' challenge. I missed our last 2 meetings so I didn't get  so see them before the show. In the top row on the  left is Kathy's and on the right is Maryann's. Lower left is Gwen's and lower right is Jan's.

Lori also had a piece with houses using made fabric but my friend with the camera apparently didn't get that shot, however the owner of one LQS posted it on her Facebook page and you can click here jellen's facebook to see it.
There were others for which I have no photos but maybe someone in the Basement Diva's group has some. It would be nice if they could post them.

I bought some raffle tickets and I won this Princess basket. I saw it when they were putting it together a couple  months ago and I thought I was just too cute. It is loaded  with things to make a little princess happy. The little pink and purple tutu is waaaaay too small for me, as are the wings but I have a plan for this.

1 comment:

  1. We will have to take pictures of the rest of the challenge pieces so we have a record of them all. It was a great show and was fun to see all of our new fans and friends from the Ladies of the Parlor guild.
