Sunday, November 11, 2012

Circle Play

Now that the Wildwood deadlines are behind me, I had a few minutes to sew this week.  It was easy to pick up where I left off on Brady's circles.  I was doing 7 at a time and found some efficiencies but I still think these are 26 minute circles (assuming your pattern is already made).  That's ok.  I like them, even in their untrimmed state. 

I've cut some strips for my black and white challenge but that is as far as I've gotten.  Maybe I'll switch off between these two projects ...


  1. Isn't it amazing to see fabric we got in April actually being used in the same year? I believe the red and blue you picked up there and lots of the fabric for the Tina quilt was obtained in April.

  2. Looks great! How about some close ups and comments aout the "sign" blocks; those are so neat, such a good idea.
