Friday, November 30, 2012

Puttering ...

These last few weeks have been a doozie but, in order to preserve what sanity I still have, I managed to squeeze in a bit of late night sewing.  I put together another 24 circle blocks then decided I probably need another 9 to finish off the partial row plus another. The main purpose for this quilt is to decorate Brady's white walls but it may end up on a bed someday so I will make it big enough to be useable.

I haven't made much progress on the black and white challenge but I cut a few strips so I can start auditioning.  Excuse the bad, late night photography.

I am trying to keep my sewing ambitions small over the next few weeks, what with that holiday looming just over three weeks away.  The tree goes up this weekend.  Take care, Divas!


  1. Good work! I am so impressed with your circle quilt, that is a lot of circles. I love the circles with the signs in them. It's a good idea to make it big enough for a bed.
    It's great to see your post about your progress.

  2. Great job Lori. I love the Mr Potato Head bag..It would go with any outfit..
