Monday, May 20, 2013

May ... Play

Another great Basement day!  Thanks to everyone for being good sports with a new technique.  I must also credit Judy with the stacks of pre-cut telephone book foundations, too.
I had planned to work on some 15 minutes practice exercises before the May meeting but, of course, I got busy and never got around to it.  I hoped that practicing would give me some ideas for strategies.  A couple of years ago, I made some improv wonky log cabin style blocks and they were pretty disappointing.  I couldn’t decide why I didn’t like them, but I didn’t.  Here are some of them. They were about 12”.  Sorry for the lousy pictures but this was a late night photo shoot.
 For Saturday’s sewing, I decided to use a random (lazy) approach and, again, my blocks were disappointing.  I should have learned from the examples Ruth showed me the week before.  She had a very controlled set that used only about 5 fabrics.  I thought if I used some muddy fabrics and some brights, it would be a good combination (sort of the “give the eye a place to rest” theory).  In the end, I think that the contrast of the different fabrics and values was distracting and using one common fabric wasn’t enough to get a sense of continuity.  These are the blocks I made Saturday.  I trimmed them to 6” square. 

Since these were uncontrolled and unplanned in every way, I thought maybe I should cut 6” squares from the larger blocks.  It’s only fabric, after all, and the larger blocks weren’t going to get better without some sort of intervention.


I am not sure where I am headed with these.  They may become the centers of some star blocks, maybe with reds for the points and black on white prints for the setting fabrics.  I must be feeling the influence of Wanda. 
I hope to find the time to try another working session before we meet again.  This time, I will do a fabric pull from my stash first then pick out scraps that coordinate with them.  I think I will use this Sassaman scrap for inspiration.  I picked it on Saturday from our lovely table pile.  I am also pretty excited about all of the HSTs I scored from Dianne.  I just couldn’t bear to see them go in the dog bed bag.



  1. Lori, I like your blocks. I think that when you start putting them together in a quilt you will find a way to make it all come together to your liking.
    PS. I don't always like my blocks either but I like my quilts.

  2. Lori,
    I'm glad you and Ruth expressed your feelings about your random blocks. I feel the same way.
    I wondered if it was the number of fabrics I used in the over all block or the fabric I chose for continuity of the quilt or the setting I put the blocks in. I loved the setting Ruth chose for her blocks. I am wondering if I have overlooked the proportion of continuity fabric to random blocks. Maybe 50 50 or more. I would be interested in input since I have precious little time to experiment.

    1. Lynn, I find that the blocks I like best are where I have repeated 1 or 2 of the fabrics sometimes more than once. So far what I like best is making blocks 5 to 6 inches trimmed. I am going to try some triangles on paper foundations after seeing Judy's. If you don't like what you have slice it and add to it or add something across a corner.

  3. I had a great comment but it just vanised so " screw this, I'm outta here".
