Friday, September 23, 2016

Sort of Sewing

As many of you know, my employer hosts a biennial employee art show.  I've been lucky enough to be accepted twice before and this year makes my third successful bid!

This year, there were over 500 pieces entered and 52 were selected via jury (2 are quilts).  The jury is different each time but this year it included Elizabeth A. Emery who is described as "a Cleveland-based artist working in a variety of mediums, primarily sculpture, drawing, and printmaking".  The jury also included Deidre McPherson, Curator of Public Programs for the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Cleveland.

I am thrilled to have this opportunity.  The art department staff at work contribute to making the process a wonderful experience. The show will be displayed in several company gallery spaces around the country and will travel for two years visiting the larger sites.

Employees can enter three works for consideration.  I entered these three (the batik was very difficult to photograph!).  The third one was selected.  Now I need to block it, prepare it for mailing and write an artist's description.  What a great distraction from the usual 9 to 5.


  1. How nice that there is the art show for employees. I am not surprised that your pieces have been accepted. I like all three of these but I can't tell which one is batik.

  2. Congratulations! Three good choices. Any one of them should have been selected.

  3. Congratulations! Three good choices. Any one of them should have been selected.

  4. Congratulations! When did you make #3?

    1. I started 2 and 3 with Quilter's Playtime. 2 is the one that had issues with bleeding despite the fact that I always pre-wash my reds and I hadn't had an issue with the fabric before. If it had been accepted, I would have had to go at it again with the Synthrapol. I think I've tried a couple of times so far. The binding on the batik wasn't done yet either. I basted it for the photo. So maybe it was luck that the third one was accepted since all it needs is blocking.
