Saturday, June 16, 2012

crash bang boom

June 16, 2012
Such a meeting today! Everyone was there except Lynn and we missed her.
Let's see. Laura worked on binding a beautiful slash a stack. Judy kept right on working on her fantastic paper piecing. More importantly she  fixed Brady's favorite blanket that had grown a hole. Yeah Judy!
Mary Ann was working away on the raffle quilt for Wildwood, God bless her.
Lori was making circles and gave us another demo.
Syd was there and doing friendship blocks for the "Tina" quilt. Jan was doing Judy's friendship blocks. Ruth and Dianne plugged away at the fantastic group quilt we started a couple of years ago. The asked for input and got plenty of that. Gwen was getting an excellent Halloween quilt together and now we all want a Halloween quilt. Fran asked for help and advice on her bargello graphix quilt. I helped a bit with that, mostly encouragement and Dianne and Ruth came up with lots of good ideas.
For the life of me I can't recall what Sue was working on. She must have not asked for comment. And Candy visited via Skype.
Lunch great, as usual. Mike sqeezed fresh lemonade. He and Brady were wonderful hosts.
So things were accomplished. Plans made. Food consumed. Who could ask for more?
Oh, the crash I referred to involved the two fewer glasses Lori has now. Ooops. I think we may need plastic.


  1. Sue was quietly knitting. she took her machine in for maintenance.

    1. Thanks Ruth, I knew she was doing something...I am losing my mind I guess.
