Sunday, June 17, 2012

It doesn't get any better than June Basement ...

What a great day we had!  There was so much activity in the Basemen this month!  Amazing how much everyone seemed to be getting done.  I know many of us are stressing over some of our common deadlines like Friendship, the Wildwood challenge, Gifts Sew Special, and the show and others have some pretty daunting things like the Wildwood raffle quilt (thank you Mary Ann and Laura!).  I’m glad that you have all found ways to lighten your workload with this block of sewing time once a month. The input and problem solving skills in this group really help us all get through some of the hurdles, I think, even if we just need a nudge along our own path. 
I’ve been really struggling with a co-worker who makes no bones about the fact that he’d like to see me fail. Last Thursday was a really rough one for me.  The Basement sewing is one of the few things that can pull me out of the work stress 100%.  You guys remind me that there are supportive people out there and it really makes a difference!  Thanks for that.
Along those lines, I’ll cover some of the highlights from my view.  Thanks to Ruth and Kathy for catching on to a lot of the fun details that I totally missed. I was still in my work tailspin a bit and I off my game as a result.

It’s always a highlight when we have an appearance from Candy.  She always leaves us with interesting questions like “who WERE those kids?”   I am sure she told us but the audio was challenging given the crowd.
We made great headway on Tina’s blocks thanks to contributions from Jan and Syd.  Next month, we plan to work on putting the blocks together.
We had a lovely array of delicious food, as always.  For those who want the recipe for the enchiladas, here’s a link.  Some of the dessert sampler plates that hit the table were works of art.  I knew I should have snapped a picture of at least one!
Mike and Brady had a good time as usual. For sure, Brady’s highlight was when Judy fixed his blanket. Yeah, Judy! Great job! We call the blanket the “Magic blanket” and he is calling the hole the “magical hole”. No joke. I am sure imaginations will be running wild when he’s talking about that at daycare tomorrow.
Also, just before Dianne and Judy left, Brady noticed the warnings on the folding chairs.  He was over the moon with excitement!  It was pretty wacky.  Judy put a cherry on top by moving one of the stickers to his shirt.

Kathy asked me to jot down my cheat sheet for the circles so here goes.  This is Dale Fleming’s idea that I followed.
  1. Iron pattern to wrong side of background square
  2. Cut out the center of the circle, leaving a ½ inch seam allowance
  3. Clip seam allowance to 1/8” all around the circle
  4. Apply glue stick to the paper, around the edge of the circle and press the seam allowance to glue
  5. Put glue on the right side of the seam allowance “tabs”
  6. Wrong sides up for the base and circle fabric, put the circle fabric on top and press
  7. Release the paper pattern
  8. Press again to set glue again
  9. Stitch in the crease, almost in the ditch, using a zipper foot
  10. Trim seam to approximately ¼”. 
  11. Clip seams again around the circle
  12. Press towards or away from the circle
Our next meeting is Saturday, July 21.  Looking forward to it ...

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