Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Near death of a diva

You may not know this about me but I insist on being the center of attention. You may not know this either but God has a weird sense of humor.
So we are at quilt camp, in Ruth's church. Lunch time came and we were eating and chatting. Ruth made the bold statement "I never hit anyone", Well, we all know that is a bold faced lie  exaggeration  of the truth. I gasped. Did God in his own house strike Ruth?  He tried and hit me. I sucked a piece of raw carrot into a place it did not belong. Then the choking started. I sounded like a squeeky toy. Margie was panicked as a good sister should be. Lori moved her lunch in case I hurled, Betty, what a dear lady, got me some water. Ruth? Ruth said "if you are wheezing, you are breathing and will be ok." Eventually I was, of course. I was actually embarrased enough by the noise  I was making that I hoped I would just die.
Lesson. Don't mess with Ruth. She has friends in high places.
Another lesson. No more healthy foods.
The quilting has been going really well.What a nice bunch of quilters. Friday can't come soon enough. I am getting too old for this stuff. I hope next year's quilt is easier.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, I think your food needs to be pureed from now on.
